Mini Round Bolster Bliss
Yoga Bolsters come in many different shapes, sizes and fillings. Finding the right bolster for your needs is an important step in building your personalized yoga tool kit. All bolsters have a primary function in yoga classes but can be used in a variety of ways.
One of my favourite bolsters in the Mini Round Bolster. It may be small, but it sure it mighty. It can be used in countless ways to support your yoga practice, meditation sessions, mindfulness movements or in everyday life.
Our Mini Round Bolsters are filled with locally sourced buckwheat hulls. This type of fill is light and malleable so you can take it with you anywhere and use it for just about anything.
What is a Mini Round Bolster?
This bolster is a small, cylindrical shaped cushion. It is loosely filled with light grains or hulls so that you can move the inner filling around to make it into any shape you need. It's meant to support smaller body parts in restorative yoga, yin yoga or hatha yoga.
How is a Mini Round Bolster Made?
This bolster has a removable cover that you can machine wash if it gets dirty. We make our covers from upcycled fabrics to help reduce waste created by the harmful textile industry. We wash the fabric, cut, serge and sew it to fit the bolster perfectly. The inner liner is sewn with 100% unbleached cotton muslin with an added zipper so that you add or remove filling to suit your needs.
We hand fill our small bolsters with local buckwheat hulls. We fill by volume, so the weight can change slightly but generally these mini bolsters weight 2Lbs (1kg) each. Once we fill the bolster liner, we zip it up then dress it in the cover of your choosing.

How to use a Mini Round Bolster in Yoga
- Place one under each arm when practicing 30 degree angle pose.
- Use this little bolster under your knees for Cat/Cow, low lunge or half plank.
- Rest your pelvis on the small bolster for a gentle supported bridge pose or transition to supported legs up the wall.
- Use it as a pillow to support your head & neck in savasana
- Rest elbows on the bolster in dolphin pose, lizard pose or forearm plank.
Try this floor sequence below for some ideas on how to incorporate a Mini Round Bolster into your practice!
How to use a Mini Round Bolster in Meditation
- You can use this little bolster as a seated meditation cushion. Lay it on the floor, squish your sit bones in and allow yourself to relax into it.
- If you prefer to lay for meditation, use it under your head as a pillow.
- If you use a higher cushion to sit on, place a Mini Round Bolster under your ankles or knees to support them.
How to use a Mini Round Bolster in Unexpected Ways
- Use as lumbar support in the car, office chair or on the couch.
- Place it between your knees when sleeping on your side to keep your pelvis neutral.
- Use the Mini Bolster as a book holder on your lap.
- A cushion for your kids to sit on while playing, crafting or puzzling.
That is why this underrated bolster is truly one of my go-to props! I use it pretty much everywhere for everything!
Have any questions about how to make the most out of your yoga props? Email us anytime. We love to help.
Wishing you love & rest,
Shelley xo