How To Find Your Own Voice - Love My Mat

How To Find Your Own Voice

We got together with Lululemon Hamilton to offer a free event for the community. 75 people came together in a guided Group mediation, using bolsters, meditation cushions and chairs. Chris Wilson shares his experience of the event and how we helped him Find His Own Voice through visualization, tapping, movement & more.

5 Ways to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time - Love My Mat

5 Ways to Adjust to Daylight Savings Time

Spring ahead! It is the time of year where we eagerly anticipate the return of green grass, warmer weather and a fresh outlook to months ahead.  It is also a...
Using an audible exhalation in standing forward fold will help release tension, physically and emotionally.

Release Using Pranayama

The Hindu god, Ganesha (depicted with the head of an elephant)  hangs above my doorway.  Lord Ganesha is often shown with one of his tusks broken or completely missing.  The tradition of...
How to be Mindful - Love My Mat

How to be Mindful

Some tips on being mindful including an essential oil blend that will help you focus your mind and stay present.